Comparative Literature

Comparative literature is critical scholarship dealing with the literature of two or more different linguistic, cultural or national groups. While most frequently practiced with works of different languages, it may also be performed on works of the same language if the works originate from different nations or cultures among which that language is spoken.


Postsecondary Teachers
Wage: $79,640
10 Year Growth Rate: 12.0%
Education Requirements:

Technical Writers
Wage: $78,060
10 Year Growth Rate: 12.0%
Education Requirements:
Bachelor's degree
Authors, Writers, and Editors
Wage: $69,510
10 Year Growth Rate: 9.0%
Education Requirements:
Bachelor's degree
Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Teachers
Wage: $61,350
10 Year Growth Rate: 7.0%
Education Requirements:
Bachelor's degree