Fort Leboeuf Middle School

Fort Leboeuf Middle School is located in Waterford, Pennsylvania. Scholarships for students attending Fort Leboeuf Middle School can be found in our scholarship database If you are searching for scholarships for students attending a different high school in Waterford, visit the Waterford directory.

P. O. Box 516
Waterford, Pennsylvania


Key to a Bright Future Scholarship

Deadline: May 07, 2025
As a family law firm, we believe that children are the key to a bright future. This is why we are offering a $1,500 scholarship to a promising student whose diligence, aspiration, and hard work deserve to be rewarded. No one who seeks the enlightenment of a college education should be denied one for financial reasons. Good luck, scholars!The deadline...

Kyle B. Wilson Scholarship

Deadline: May 18, 2025
The Kyle B. Wilson Scholarship fund was created to keep Kyle’s legacy alive while assisting students and their families who find themselves in extra-ordinary financial circumstances. The scholarship’s funds are intended to help students and their families pay for the many expenses related to a quality education.ELIGIBILITY CRITERIATo be eligible for the scholarship applicants must:Applicants must reside in Allegheny or...

For graduating high school seniors from the Tussey Mountain School District in Pennsylvania.Scholarship AmountUp to $1,000BackgroundThis scholarship was inspired by a story James McCavitt saw in the paper about the Sze Lee Memorial Scholarship, a scholarship formerly administered by Peninsula Community Foundation. He set up the scholarship in honor of his parents, James A. McCavitt and Annie LePors McCavitt. Mr....

AAUW-Reading Branch has established a Graduate Scholarship Fund to annually award scholarships to Berks County women who are pursuing full or part-time graduate study at an accredited educational institution. The money will be awarded for the following academic year.   Academic excellence is expected and financial need must be demonstrated.The applicant shall provide a completed typed application form (may be...

The Martha Washington Garden Club of Yardley, Pa is offering, in memory of member Jane Parr, scholarships to qualified high school or college students who plan to pursue a career in any of the following fields: Horticulture or any related field, such as Landscape Architecture, Forestry, Conservation, Environmental Studies, Turf Management, Conservation and Wildlife Management, Marine Biology, or Floriculture.The scholarship...

John Lepping Memorial Scholaship

Deadline: Jun 01, 2025
Lep Foundation John Lepping Memorial Scholarship.  Eligibility requires permanent residence in NJ, NY or PA.2025 CURE - Cancer Support Scholarship: Youth Education Assistance for Students Diagnosed with Cancer The scholarship is designated for students who were diagnosed with cancer and whose disease and related treatments placed a significant financial burden on them and their families.Download the online application for the Lep...