Mount Hebron High

Mount Hebron High is located in Ellicott City, Maryland. Scholarships for students attending Mount Hebron High can be found in our scholarship database If you are searching for scholarships for students attending a different high school in Ellicott City, visit the Ellicott City directory.

9440 Route 99
Ellicott City, Maryland


The Women’s Southern Golf Association has established a scholarship fund to assist deserving female golfers residing in the 15 southern states and the District of Columbia to obtain four years of higher education.This year a scholarship of $3,500 will be available along with a commitment of $3,500 for each of the three succeeding years of undergraduate school, not to exceed...

Legacy of Life Scholarship

Deadline: Apr 14, 2025
Did you know more than 103,000 people are waiting fro a lifesaving transplant? As a high school senior, you have the power to raise awareness about the importance of registering to be an organ, eye and tissue donor through the Leslie A. Ebert Legacy of Life Scholarship Program.How To ParticipateWrite a persuasive essay and/or produce a video that educates then...

Saint Andrew's Society Scholarships

Deadline: Apr 30, 2025
The Saint Andrew's Society of Washington, DC, annually grants awards from its Washington Scots Charity & Education Fund Scholarships Program. Awards are made to scholars enrolled in US or Scottish institutions for the third or fourth year of College or University or full-time graduate study. There are generally three to five awards granted totaling in excess of $30,000. The size...

Got a Spine Scholarship

Deadline: May 02, 2025
To be eligible for the Arctic Chiropractic "Got a Spine Scholarship" a student must:1) Be attending college or university no later than October of 2025.2) Be attending college or university on a full-time basis by October of 2025.3) Have achieved a GPA of 2.5 or greater during their last academic year.4) Be a U.S. or Canadian resident.5) Be attending a...

Applications for the 2025 school year are accepted between March and May 31, 2025.General Submission Information:Required Materials:general contact information, statement of financial need, personal essay, resume, transcripts, and two letters of recommendationRecommendations may come from a student advisor, instructor, employer, or business associate and must be submitted directly from the recommender to HRI through our online application systemSubmission of all materials must be completed through...

ASBC Foundation Scholarship

Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
The Foundation awards two types of scholarships, Millennium and Legacy. The Millennium Scholarships are funded by the Alfred Street Baptist Church and the ASBC Foundation. The amount of these scholarships is $20,000 disbursed over four years ($5,000 per year for four years). Two Millennium Scholarships are awarded annually. The Legacy Scholarships are funded by individuals or groups who may add...