
Scholarship Campus

Easy Scholarships

Easy Scholarship Matches

Most of the scholarships in this list have applications that take less than 2 minutes to complete. We highly encourage you to take some time completing these applications, as they are all high value awards. Register Here

Canada's Apprenticeship Incentive Grant
Mar 31, 2025
The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG) will end March 31, 2025.... more

Apprenticeship Completion Grant
Mar 31, 2025
Changes to the Apprenticeship Incentive GrantNote: The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant... more

Kochhar & Co. Scholarship
Mar 31, 2025
Kochhar & Co. Chartered Professional Accountant was founded in 2011... more

Air Line Pilots Association Scholarship
Apr 1, 2025
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTThe applicant must be a child of a medically... more

Young Women in Public Affairs Award
Apr 1, 2025
Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award (formerly the Young Women... more

CREW Network Scholarship
Apr 2, 2025
CREW Network Foundation scholarship eligibility criteria:a female or identify as... more

New Scholarships

Scholarship Matches

Registered Users will be matched with Scholarships, Bursaries, and Grants, that fit their profile. To access our Free Scholarship Database, simply create your own profile. Register Here

10 Words or Less Scholarship
Apr 15, 2025
Scholarship Eligibility:A) Anyone who is between the ages of 14-25... more

Lift Parts Express Scholarship
Apr 30, 2025
To be eligible for the Lift Parts Express Scholarship you... more

Bayer Fund Opportunity Scholarship
Apr 30, 2025
Bayer Crop Science Opportunity Scholarship: Our commitment in educationFrom sustainable... more

Odenza Vacations College Scholarship
May 1, 2025
To be considered eligible for the Odenza Vacations College Scholarship... more

Got a Spine Scholarship
May 2, 2025
To be eligible for the Arctic Chiropractic "Got a Spine... more

Scotiabank Scholarships
May 7, 2025
Scotiabank's $60,000 investment is divided into 16 x $3,750 Scholarships... more


Scholarship Matches

This section contains many interesting articles on a variety of topics, such as: Choosing your Major, Selecting a Career, Student Housing, Study Tips and much more.

Best College Majors to Become a Teacher
Best College Majors to Become a Teacher

Do you have your heart set on becoming a teacher one day? If this is your... more

4 Reasons Why a Community College can be a better choice than University
4 Reasons Why a Community College can be a better choice than University

Choosing to start your post-secondary education at a two-year college instead of a university can save... more

5 Essential Items That College Freshmen Really Need
5 Essential Items That College Freshmen Really Need

It's exciting times, you are heading away to college. One of the biggest challenges, when you... more

Receiving an Athletic Scholarship: Roles and Responsibilities
Receiving an Athletic Scholarship: Roles and Responsibilities

Be aware that not every type of athletic scholarship covers the complete cost of attendance. The... more

College Expenses To Be Prepared For
College Expenses To Be Prepared For

There is a lot of new lifestyle changes happening when you leave for college. You may... more

Career and Salary

Academic Matches

Our career section allows you to compare occupations by Salary, Expected 10 year Growth Rate, Educational Requirements, and Unemployment Rates.

Computer Network Technicians Scholarship PDF Print/Save
Computer network technicians establish, operate, maintain and co-ordinate the use of local and wide area networks (LANs and WANs), mainframe networks, hardware, software and related computer equipment. They set up and maintain Internet and intranet... more

Head Nurses and Supervisors
Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors co-ordinate and supervise the activities of registered nurses, registered psychiatric nurses, licensed practical nurses and other nursing personnel in the provision of patient care. They are employed in health care institutions... more

Judges adjudicate civil and criminal cases and administer justice in courts of law. Judges preside over federal and provincial courts.Job dutiesThis group performs some or all of the following duties:Preside over courts of law, interpret... more

General Practitioners and Family Physicians
General practitioners and family physicians diagnose and treat the diseases, physiological disorders and injuries of patients. They provide primary contact and continuous care toward the management of patients' health. They usually work in private practice,... more

Course Outlines

Match Course Outlines

In this section you will find over 100 Course Outlines. Each Course Outline identifies year of study, gives a quick summary of the course, provides overall Objectives, discusses the Topics that will be covered, and details the types of assignments to expect. 


Scholarship Foundation Matches

This section is for students who are willing to do a little digging themselves. Below you will find a list of non-profit organizations that provide educational assistance to students. However, with this list there is no guarantee that the foundation will offer assistance to the year of study you are applying to. You will have to visit their website and possibly contact them:

The main mandate of the JWCC is to manage the Johnville Bog & Forest Park. As outlined...
Ensuring the quality of Jewish life in Calgary well into the future is the goal of the...
Change is inevitable. Institutions rise and fall, economies shift, governments change, technology grows, but one constant is...
The Niagara Region Police Association started its own charitable fundraising back in the early 80's. As a...
The Alberta Ballet Foundation was founded in 1994 by former members of the Board of Directors of...
The ECU Foundation Board is a volunteer group of leading individuals from the business, education, visual art,...
The Halton Learning Foundation raises charitable funds to remove economic barriers to learning for students in need...
The Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation makes it possible for Aboriginal post-secondary students to complete their chosen...
Scholarships are provided to SIAST students thanks to the support of many individuals: alumni, students, faculty, staff,...
Male and female graduating students, who live in London or Lobo Township, with the highest aggregate in...

College Majors

Academic Scholarship Matches

Over 350 Academic Majors

Registered Users will see Academic Majors that match their profile along with corresponding Wage and Salary information associated with the potential occupational outcomes of that specific Academic Program(s). 

  • Industrial Management
    An Industrial Management Major prepares students for system/process management positions in service organizations and in manufacturing organizations, such as production...
  • Korean
    Korean is the official language of both North Korea and South Korea. It is also one of the two official...
  • Mechanical Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering is an engineering discipline that involves the application of principles of physics for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance...
  • Nuclear Engineering
    Nuclear engineering Application of the breakdown of atomic nuclei and/or other sub-atomic physics, based on the principles of nuclear physics....
  • Pastoral Studies
    Pastoral Studies is for those who wish to develop a strong theoretical background, as well as an array of practical...
  • Public Relations
    Modern public relations evaluates a product or individuals public perception through market research. Once data is collected and challenges are...
  • Commercial Transport Vehicle Mechanic
    The Commercial Transport Vehicle Mechanic repairs and maintains transportation vehicles such as trucks, buses, and road transport equipment. This occupation...
  • Automatic Transmission Service Technician
    An Automatic Transmission Service Technician program will teach a student to remove, completely disassemble, check, replace worn and broken parts,...
  • Cement Mason
    A Cement Mason Program will teach a student how to finish all concrete constructions. Some of these constructions can include...
  • Dairy Production Technician
    A Dairy Production Technician Program will teach a student how to operate and maintain farm equipment that sustains farm sanitation,...