1) Establish A Daily “To-Do” List
Put the most important tasks at the top, even if they're things you're dreading, and tackle them first. Include things you want to do on your list too, so you have items you're looking forward to. Try motivating yourself with a reward if you get everything on your list completed.
2) Carry Your Work With You
This is a great way to complete tasks while you are waiting for an appointment or sitting on the bus or public transportation. You will be surprised at how much extra reading, studying, or planning you can add to your day.
3) Time Budgeting
Determine how much time you typically spend on certain activities. Next, develop a weekly schedule to reflect these time blocks. This will help you discover how much free time you have available prior to adding any other commitments to your plate. Be sure to schedule in time to eat and relax so that you don't feel burnt out.
4) Discover Your Most Productive Time
You will be much more efficient if you know whether you are a night owl or an early bird. Figure out when you are most productive and plan accordingly. Take your work, school, exercise and sleep into consideration to ensure you have a balanced lifestyle.
5) Say No More Often
Don't feel guilty saying no to your friend if they want to hang out or catch a movie and you have a test scheduled for the following morning. Choose a time that works for both of you instead of putting your goals and priorities on the back-burner.
6) Avoid Becoming Sidetracked
Are you getting distracted? When this happens, simply refer back to your to-do list to see what is listed at the top. You might be procrastinating because you are unsure about how to move forward with something. Maybe you need more resources to complete a school project or more clarification. Check in with your teacher if any of these issues are causing you to be sidetracked so that you can restabilize.
7) Develop A Dedicated Study Time
Choose a time that will be devoted only to homework or studying. Turn off your phone and don't let yourself respond to text messages or phone calls until your dedicated study time is over. Be sure not to surf the net or check your email during this time unless it is required for your study session.
8) The Importance Of A Good Night's Sleep
To perform optimally, your brain needs to rest. If undone tasks are robbing you of your precious sleep, simply add them to tomorrow's to-do list or write them down and go to bed. Once it is off your mind you will have a better chance of blissfully falling asleep.