Solomon College

Solomon College is located in Edmonton, Alberta. Scholarships for students attending Solomon College can be found in our scholarship database If you are searching for scholarships for students attending a different high school in Edmonton, visit the Edmonton directory.

10621 - 100 Avenue - Suite 228
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 0B3
(780) 431-1515


Are you interested in pursuing higher education after graduation to help prepare you to find employment with a steady income?Do you have a desire to go back to school to get vocational training to develop a new set of skills?Would you like to find a career with good benefits?Do you need financial assistance to help you pursue your educational dreams?AVEC...

Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship

Deadline: Apr 01, 2025
Project Sleep’s Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship is a national scholarship program to support students with narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia while also fostering awareness in high school and college settings. Founded by Julie Flygare and the Graham Family in 2014, the program has awarded 228 scholarships in 11 years.In 2025, Project Sleep’s 12th annual Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship will...

THSRA Scholarship

Deadline: Apr 02, 2025
Texas High School Rodeo Association cares about its members and their futures. It is the main focus of our organization to increase the number and size of college scholarships to be awarded to our Seniors. For the past several years, the THSRA has given over $185,000 in scholarship money to deserving Seniors.Scholarships awarded in the past have ranged from $10,000...

One scholarship of $7,000 will be awarded annually by the Government of Alberta to a young Albertan performing artist who shows extraordinary talent and potential and who demonstrates clear educational or training goals.NOTE: One scholarship will be awarded to one of the performing arts eligible for this program in a three-year annual rotation: music, theatre, and dance. The 2025 deadline...

Wings Over America Scholarships

Deadline: Mar 01, 2025
Wings Over America Scholarship Foundation annually sponsors a minimum of 50 scholarships to further the postsecondary education of Navy dependents from the aviation community. Most scholarships are $5,000 and some are renewable.Scholarships may be used for trade school certification, community college or four-year university/college undergraduate study and may be used for tuition and manditory fees only at an accredited institution.If...

The Richard J. Geiger Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Rich Geiger, a Conservation District Engineer serving multiple western Washington areas, working to protect and restore the ecological health of Puget Sound. Those who knew Rich remember him not only as a topnotch engineer, but as a sweet and funny man who cared deeply about the people he...