Ermineskin Ehpewapahk Alternate School

Ermineskin Ehpewapahk Alternate School is located in Hobbema, Alberta. Scholarships for students attending Ermineskin Ehpewapahk Alternate School can be found in our scholarship database. If you are searching for scholarships for students attending a different high school in Hobbema, visit the Hobbema directory.

P.O. Box 248
Hobbema, Alberta
T0C 1N0
(780) 585-2202


Kids' Chance of Michigan Scholarship

Deadline: Jul 31, 2024
Which kids are eligible for the Scholarship?To be eligible for the Scholarship, the kid’s parent must have sustained a catastrophic injury or fatality in a Michigan work related accident covered by workers’ compensation.  The parent’s injury or death must be compensable under Michigan Workers’ Compensation Law.  There cannot be any dispute regarding the compensability of the parent’s injury/death.What are the...

Odenza Vacations College Scholarship

Deadline: May 01, 2025
To be considered eligible for the Odenza Vacations College Scholarship you must:1) Be between the ages of 17 and 24 on September 1st, 2025.2) Submit an answer to the essay question, which can be found on the application page, prior to the May 1st, 2025 deadline.3) Have a GPA of 2.5 or greater.4) Be a resident of the United States...

Buy-Rite Beauty has always made a point to promote the hairstylist, cosmetology & beauty industry as a growing career field. From working directly with local salons to donating products to beauty schools, supporting the industry has always been a staple of our business.Buy-Rite Beauty will be awarding a $1,000 scholarship to a hairstylist or cosmetology student who best exemplifies our...

Path To Success Scholarship

Deadline: Dec 31, 2024
It’s true that we are shaped by our experiences growing up. We are particularly affected by those who helped raise us, whether that be a parent, an older sibling, a grandparent, a teacher, or a coach. We owe a lot of who we are today to the people who raised, taught, or inspired us as we grew. Sometimes, the experiences...

Fran Bera Scholarship

Deadline: Dec 07, 2024
Fran Bera the 6an 'iego Chapter matriarch flew for over 70 years. 6he amassed over 25,000 flight hours by ferrying surplus aircraft after the war flight instructing running her own flight school conducting flight examinations and flying as an experimental test pilot. 6he was a record-setting pilot with numerous aviation Hall of Fame inductions and was the first woman to...

NurseThink Scholarship

Deadline: Jan 31, 2025
The NurseThink Scholarship supports students enrolled in master's and doctoral nursing programs at AACN member institutions who have a desire to become future nurse faculty. The scholarship is open to all students who are members of the Graduate Nursing Student Academy.To apply, students must complete an online application, provide demographic information and details on their academic achievement, and submit a...