NEW WATERFORD ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE is located in NEW WATERFORD NS, Nova Scotia. Scholarships for students attending NEW WATERFORD ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE can be found in our scholarship database

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The Dr. Roger F. and Anita R. Wendt Memorial Scholarship is administered by the Siouxland Community Foundation headquartered in Sioux City, Iowa. This scholarship fund was established in 2011 by family and friends in loving memory of Anita and Dr. Wendt. He spent 9 years as a teacher in the Sioux City Community School District and 35 five years in...

STLE grants three academic awards through its Presidential Awards Program: The E. Richard Booser Scholarship (for undergraduate students), The Elmer E. Klaus Fellowship (for graduate students) and The Jeanie S. McCoy Scholarship (for female students). These awards are administered by the STLE Presidential Council and are meant to encourage students to pursue an advanced degree or a career in tribology...

The Corinne Jeannine Schillings Foundation is dedicated to preserving the memory of Corinne Schillings, who lost her life on March 6, 2004 in a water taxi accident in Baltimore Harbor.Corinne loved to learn, especially languages and about other cultures. It is our intent that she be remembered through the young women who receive scholarships from her foundation.PURPOSEThe Foundation supports college...

Anne Veseth Memorial Scholarship Fund

Deadline: Mar 15, 2025
Email completed PDF applications to no later than 11:59pm MST on March 15th. Late/Incomplete applications will not be considered. Who Can Apply? Graduating high school seniors or current undergraduate college students;Attending or planning to attend a public or private, two- or four-year college or university in the state of Idaho as a full-time undergraduate student;Majoring or planning to major in Fire...

IISE's Scholarships and Fellowships Program recognizes graduate and undergraduate industrial engineering students for academic excellence and campus leadership. The nominee's scholastic ability, character, leadership, and potential service to the industrial engineering profession are all considered by the scholarship fund trustees when selecting the scholarship recipients.CriteriaAll applicants must be full time students, above freshman level with a graduation date of May...

Armenian Scholarship Fund

Deadline: Mar 04, 2025
To provide financial assistance to graduating seniors of Armenian heritage pursuing careers in medicine, science, or music.Application PeriodNovember 1 to March 4Number and Size of AwardsOne award of $4,000; paid as $1,000 per year for up to four consecutive years of undergraduate study. Award paid in the Fall and divided equally between the Fall and Spring semesters.Allowed Use of AwardAwards...