Niverville Collegiate

Niverville Collegiate is located in Niverville, Manitoba. Scholarships for students attending Niverville Collegiate can be found in our scholarship database If you are searching for scholarships for students attending a different high school in Niverville, visit the Niverville directory.

Box 188
Niverville, Manitoba
R0A 1E0
(204) 388-4731


BC Housing Education Awards Program

Deadline: Apr 30, 2025
The Education Awards Program helps residents in a household directly receiving subsidy from BC Housing, or receiving rental assistance through the Rental Assistance Program (RAP) at the start of courses pursue their educational goals as a way to achieve success and personal growth. The bursaries and awards are for post-secondary education and training programs.We offer seven education awards and bursaries....

Legacy of Life Scholarship

Deadline: Apr 14, 2025
Did you know more than 103,000 people are waiting fro a lifesaving transplant? As a high school senior, you have the power to raise awareness about the importance of registering to be an organ, eye and tissue donor through the Leslie A. Ebert Legacy of Life Scholarship Program.How To ParticipateWrite a persuasive essay and/or produce a video that educates then...

AAUW Atlanta (GA) Scholarship

Deadline: Apr 11, 2025
“We educate women because it is smart. We educate women because it changes the world.”Drew Faust, President Emeritus of Harvard University Professor, the Arthur Kingsley Porter University.Who Qualifies for An Atlanta Affiliate Scholarship?ALL APPLICATIONS MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED.RequirementsResident of Georgia enrolled in Atlanta area institution.Completed one year of study post high school.Completed a minimum of one semester in current...

NJ ASSP Scholarship Program

Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
Do you have a son or daughter who is currently a college student? How about a niece, nephew or grandchild who is in college? If you fall into any of these categories, and are a member of the NJ ASSP Chapter in good standing, you are eligible to submit an application of that student to the Scholarship Committee for the...

Email completed PDF applications to no later than 11:59pm MST on March 15th. Late/Incomplete applications will not be considered.Who Can Apply? Resident of Idaho.Enrolled in a program related to the hospitality industry at an accredited public or private college or university. Both degree-seeking and certificate-seeking students are eligible.Hospitality-related programs include (but are not limited to) hotel/lodging, culinary/restaurant, entertainment/golf club, resort,...

Up to three $1000 scholarships awarded annually.Eligibility: Applicant must be a high school senior pursuing a higher education in agriculture or agriculture-related field, and whose parents or guardians are a Georgetown County Farm Bureau member in good standing.Deadline: Applications must be received at the county office by April 15.Georgetown County Farm Bureau ScholarshipThe Georgetown County Farm Bureau offers scholarships annually...