Del Mar Intermediate

Del Mar Intermediate is located in Tiburon, California. Scholarships for students attending Del Mar Intermediate can be found in our scholarship database If you are searching for scholarships for students attending a different high school in Tiburon, visit the Tiburon directory.

105 Avenida Miraflores
Tiburon, California


Hearthstone Housing Foundation

Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Hearthstone Housing Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation dedicated to providing service-enriched affordable housing for low-income families, the elderly and the disabled. Hearthstone is also committed to combating community deterioration to lessen the burdens of government. EligibilityBe from a low-income household or demonstrate financial needLow-income limits are determined by HUD. See current limits onlineBe 15-25 years of age as...

Most scholarships from the Inland Empire Community Foundation are awarded directly through the colleges and universities in our two-county area. Students who are interested in applying should check with their school counselor or financial aid office for information and applications.However, students are able to apply directly to IECF for many scholarships, most of which can be accessed through the Common...

ERC Eco Scholarship

Deadline: Jun 01, 2025
These scholarships are available to provide financial assistance to high school seniors interested in environmental health sciences and the pursuit of a higher education.AwardScholarships, in the amount of $1,000 each, will be awarded to eligible students whose past and present efforts best embody the ideals of civic responsibility and environmental stewardship. These scholarships will be awarded and presented on an...

Terwilliger Trust Scholarship Fund

Deadline: Mar 01, 2025
In the mid 1950’s, in Laytonville, Jack was working on a large circular saw in his mill and something unexpected occurred, electrically, and the saw severed his left arm at the shoulder. He was rushed to Howard Memorial in Willits and Dr. Babcock, a famous doctor, sewed up his shoulder and saved his life, but this had a great effect...

For well over a decade, AAUW San Diego’s Scholarship Fund Committee has awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships to local college and university students who seek to achieve a baccalaureate degree. Awards are generally in the $750—$2,000 range.Local ScholarshipsFor well over a decade, AAUW San Diego’s Scholarship Fund Committee has awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships to local college and...

Curry Award for Girls and Young Women

Deadline: Feb 25, 2025
For young women who have undergone unusual hardships to remain in school.BackgroundThis fund was established by Eleanor Williams Curry, an active civic leader on the Peninsula. Scholarships are awarded to young women who are self-motivated, need financial support and attempt to achieve despite tremendous obstacles. Young women who have dropped out of school for reasons beyond their control, or have...