Carver Middle School

Carver Middle School is located in Delray Beach, Florida. Scholarships for students attending Carver Middle School can be found in our scholarship database If you are searching for scholarships for students attending a different high school in Delray Beach, visit the Delray Beach directory.

101 Barwick Road
Delray Beach, Florida


Doris Karlik Local Scholarships

Deadline: Mar 22, 2025
Equity and equal opportunity for women and girls are central to AAUW’s mission, both nationally and in our branch. Through our branch’s Charitable Foundation, we fund the Doris Karlik Local Scholarships for Palm Beach County women who will begin or are completing their undergraduate educations. We also sponsor a local student to attend AAUW’s annual National Conference of College Women...

The American Legion, Department of Florida offers many scholarship opportunities for High School and College Students, which are focused on Veteran and Military influences.Nursing SchoolA candidate must be:A U.S. Citizen or permanent Florida residentA student in an accredited Florida Nursing School/ProgramAwardsFirst Place:  One scholarship award of $2,750.00Eligibility:A U.S. Citizen or permanent Florida residentEntering their second year of study in an...

FVMA Scholarship

Deadline: May 15, 2025
Purpose: To provide a scholarship to a graduating high school senior or to a student attending an accredited university, college or community college, undergraduate or graduate school program who is interested in pursuing a career in public assembly facility management and/or related field. To be a viable candidate your studies should include: Food & Beverage, Audio-Visual, Sports Management, Hospitality, or...

College prices are rising out of control, leaving many talented, passionate students unable to afford their desired degrees.Struggling to finance a college education can make many career fields inaccessible, particularly those such as engineering which require specialized knowledge to enter. Students should be encouraged to go after their dreams and reach their full potential and aided in any way possible...

FSGA Scholars is a scholarship program made possible by the FSGA Foundation. In the Spring of each year, the FSGA Foundation selects golfers from the FJT's graduating class to be awarded a renewable four-year scholarship.Eligibility Requirements & PreferencesFlorida resident and US citizen for at least one yearHigh school senior in good standing enrolled in a Florida high school or a...

Schulze College Scholarships

Deadline: Apr 01, 2025
The Schulze Family Foundation College Scholarship was first awarded in 2014 to help students graduate from college with minimal student debt.Seven years of Schulze scholars have now:graduated college,entered the workforce, orenrolled in graduate school programs.Our scholarships allowed them to:borrow less for tuition,work less and study more, andlive the college experience with less distraction.Important DatesWe will accept new applications for 2025-26...