Kingston High is located in Cadet, Missouri. Scholarships for students attending Kingston High can be found in our scholarship database
10047 Diamond Road
Cadet, Missouri
Criteria For Missouri UndergraduateCollege Masonic ScholarshipsGrade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent).ACT, SAT-or equivalent-test score. (Scores considered 18-36)Involvement in extra-curricular activities. Graduates of one of Missouri’s Public High Schools, Private High Schools or Students of the Accredited Home School Program.Conditioned on enrollment as a full-time student (12 credit hours per semester or term) at an accredited college...
The Missouri Chapter and St. Louis Branch APWA scholarship program is intended to recognize Missouri students who have excelled academically and personally, and who intend to enter the field of public works during their professional career. All scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit. Applicants must have permanent residence in the geographic boundary of the Missouri Chapter. Scholarships may...
The Missouri Chapter of the APWA is an association of professional engineers, technicians, operations staff, public works directors, business people, contractors, consultants, and others who join together to exchange ideas and information, promote education and training, and work as a team to meet professional and community needs. The St. Louis Branch’s membership comes from the geographic area of Metropolitan St....
Members of the Women Legislators of Missouri sponsor this scholarship program for young women graduating high school in Missouri. This is a one-time $1,000 scholarship.Eligibility:Applicants must be:FemaleMissouri residentCurrent high school seniorGraduating from a public high school, private high school or home school in Missouri this yearSupplemental QuestionsAre you a U.S. Citizen?Who is your Missouri State Representative and what is your...
The objective of the St. Louis Member Chapter is to reward and encourage an AIST St. Louis Member Chapter high school senior or college undergraduate student, preparing for a career in Engineering or the sciences, by providing a grant of financial support during attendance full or part-time at any accredited university or college.AwardsOne scholarship, valued at US$1,500 will be available...
To provide financial assistance to minority students pursuing graduate education in archival administration and to encourage ethnic diversification of the Midwest Archives Conference and of the archival profession as a whole.Award (2 awarded annually)Scholarship of $1,500 and complimentary 1-year membership to MACEligibilityThere are eligibility requirements for both the applicant and the graduate archival program which must be met for consideration...