Milford High is located in Milford, Massachusetts. Scholarships for students attending Milford High can be found in our scholarship database
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31 West Fountain Street
Milford, Massachusetts
Addiction can impact people from all walks of life, regardless of age, race, sex, gender, or socioeconomic status. As part of our mission to end the stigma surrounding addiction and help those impacted by substance abuse lead happier, more fulfilling lives, we are offering the Mountainside Brighter Future College Scholarship. With this scholarship, we aim to help students pursue their...
ConvenientMD is dedicated to promoting health and wellness in our communities. While we focus on revolutionizing the patient experience by providing convenient, state-of-the-art medical care at a fraction of the cost of existing alternatives, we are also proud to support the next generation of healthcare workers. Through our Student Scholarships, we provide much-needed support to students pursuing higher education in...
Each year, the Taunton Area Branch offers a scholarship for graduates of high schools in southeastern Massachusetts entering the junior or senior year of college. Criteria include a commitment to advancing gender equity and economic security.This award honors the memory of Mary Anderson (d. 2002), a longtime member of the Taunton Area Branch of AAUW, serving in many capacities. She...
Scholarships are available to the children of active or retired members in good standing of the Mass Police Association. Children of deceased MPA members who were in good standing at the time of their death are also eligible. Students must be enrolled or actively attending college to be eligible.No person may be awarded more than one (1) scholarship. Eligible applicants...
The Massachusetts Broadcasters Association is committed to furthering the broadcast industry by helping Massachusetts’ best and brightest students pursue a career in broadcasting.Students who are permanent residents of Massachusetts and plan to or are enrolled at an accredited institution of higher learning are encouraged to apply for the MBA’s Broadcaster Scholarship Program. The MBA awards scholarships annually in the amount...
FLAG Flag Football will be awarding up to $5,000 to a graduating Massachusetts high school student or students who will be attending a two- or four-year college or a post-high school career school in the 2024-2025 academic year.The scholarship will be awarded to a student who has made high school and/or community sports programs safer for, and more inclusive of,...