Granada Hills Charter High

Granada Hills Charter High is located in Granada Hills, California. Scholarships for students attending Granada Hills Charter High can be found in our scholarship database

10535 Zelzah Avenue
Granada Hills, California


R. A. Rearwin Scholarship Fund

Deadline: Apr 01, 2025
The R.A. Rearwin Scholarship Fund was established in 2000 by Kenneth Rearwin and other members of the Rearwin family in honor of their late father, a noted aircraft and engine manufacturer. Scholarships are reserved for and awarded to applicants who have demonstrated a strong career interest in the aerospace industry, who are planning to pursue a degree in an aerospace-related...

Hearthstone Housing Foundation

Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Hearthstone Housing Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation dedicated to providing service-enriched affordable housing for low-income families, the elderly and the disabled. Hearthstone is also committed to combating community deterioration to lessen the burdens of government. EligibilityBe from a low-income household or demonstrate financial needLow-income limits are determined by HUD. See current limits onlineBe 15-25 years of age as...

Maison Law California Scholarship

Deadline: May 31, 2025
Maison Law is focused on finding simple solutions for complex problems.We would like you to write a 500-word essay on simple solutions for problems that cause injuries across California. Problems you could provide solutions for could include:Car accidents on California roadwaysBicycle accidentsPedestrian accidentsMotorcycle accidentsTo be eligible for this scholarship, students must:Be a college-bound high school senior or a college studentHave...

Tang Scholarship

Deadline: Apr 30, 2025
Mr. Edward C. Tang established this award in 2007 to provide financial assistance to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (l/g/b/t) Asian and Pacific Islanders (API) for post-secondary Education. This scholarship is to help LGBT youth proudly achieve educational pursuits and dreams without shame. This scholarship awards up to four outstanding students annually, combined scholarships totaling up to $60,000, awarded over...

ICFB Scholarships

Deadline: Apr 04, 2025
Each year, the Imperial County Farm Bureau presents local students with scholarships to aid them in their studies. The scholarship fund is supported by donations and our annual Farm Bureau Scholarship Barbecue, held annually in April.We were very excited to be able to award $44,200 in scholarships in 2024 to 33 local students! We sincerely appreciate all those who supported...

Tony V. Grey Legacy Scholarship

Deadline: May 09, 2025
The Tony V. Grey Legacy Scholarship was created by his family and loved ones to memorialize the life, honor the memory, and commemorate the legacy of Tony V. Grey (July 28, 1937 - October 13, 2016). A dedicated family man, Navy officer, community leader of Ventura County and proud Filipino...American...Pinoy.ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA$2500 Scholarship AwardA graduating high school student (class of 2025)...