The American Culinary Federation Education Foundation, with the support of the American Academy of Chefs, will award two scholarships each year. Each recipient will receive $2,500 per year for four years to be applied directly to the student’s account at the institution
Eligibility Requirements To be considered by the scholarship committee, an applicant must meet the following requirements:
- Be an exemplary student. Have and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- Be a high school senior eligible to graduate the same year as the scholarship is applied for.
- Be currently accepted to the institution with a major in either culinary or pastry arts.
- Have a career goal of becoming a chef or pastry chef
Notice of Awards Students will be notified by email of any scholarship award.
Renewal of Scholarship Scholarships are not automatically renewed for candidates. Candidates are encouraged to reapply if scholarship funds are needed in future years.
Revocation of Aid The ACF reserves the right to cancel any scholarship at any time if the applicant fails to meet the standards of academic progress, any other scholarship requirements, or falsifies information reported.
Application Procedure
Applicants will be evaluated on a 100-point scale dependent on the criteria listed below. Only completed applications will be reviewed by the scholarship selection committee.
Academic Grade Point Average (Total of 30 possible points) The following points are earned based on the applicants cumulative GPA. Official transcript showing current GPA must be submitted for verification.
- Cumulative GPA 2.5 2.59 = +2 points
- Cumulative GPA 2.6 2.79 = +5 points
- Cumulative GPA 2.8 2.99 = +10 points
- Cumulative GPA 3.0 3.29 = +15 points
- Cumulative GPA 3.3 3.59 = +20 points
- Cumulative GPA 3.6 3.89 = +25 points
- Cumulative GPA 3.9 4.0 = +30 points
Participation in Culinary Competitions (Total of 20 possible points) Points may be earned for competing in a culinary or pastry competition at a local, regional, or national level. Acceptable competitions include ACF-sanctioned competitions, Skills USA, ProStart competitions. Only one competition may be submitted per scholarship application. For verification please submit competitor’s letter or letter of participation from team coach. Verification letters should include name, date and location of competition. Competition must have been held within the last 12 months.
- Participated as competitor = +5 points
- Earned Bronze medal = +10 points
- Earned Silver medal = +15 points
- Earned Gold medal = +20 points
Volunteer for School and Industry Activities (Total of 10 possible points) Points may be earned for culinary volunteer involvement for school and industry-related activities. Examples include community charity events, food pantry, cooking for disaster relief, volunteering for a culinary club, cooking at a homeless shelter, or working at a charity dinner. Points vary depending on the number of activities attended or worked in the last 12 months with a 3 event maximum. Letter verifying volunteer service must be submitted as proof.
- activity submitted = 3 points
- activities submitted = 7 points
- activities submitted = 10 points
American Culinary Federation Involvement (Total of 10 possible points) Points may be earned for involvement in ACF-related activities including attending local chapter meetings, volunteering for chapter events, working on an ACF committee, or attending an ACF national or regional event. Points vary depending on the number of ACF events attended in the last 12 months with a 3-event maximum. Submit for verification a letter from a chapter representative or letter of attendance.
- event/activity submitted = 3 points
- event/activities submitted = 7 points
- event/activities submitted = 10 points
Required Essay (Total of 25 possible points) Complete each essay question listed on page 5 of this application. Each question is worth a possible 5 points for a total of 25. Answers must be a minimum of 50 words per question.
Letters of reference (Total of 5 possible points) Submit two letters of recommendation from industry, culinary professional and/or culinary educators. Family members are ineligible. Late references will not be considered.
How to Apply:
Scholarship Value: $10,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: May 1, 2025