Video: News Anchor Career Information

A video about News Anchor Career Information

Radio and Television Announcers

Radio and television announcers perform a variety of tasks on and off the air. They announce station program information, such as program schedules and station breaks for commercials, or public-service information, and they introduce and... ... more

Academic Programs of Interest for Radio and Television Announcers

Radio and Television
In the world of TV and radio, exciting things are happening. Reality shows are creating loads of opportunities for ambitious producers and camera crews. Videos are streaming... more

News Analysts, Reporters, and Correspondents

News analysts, reporters, and correspondents gather information, prepare stories, and make broadcasts that inform the public about local, State, national, and international events; present points of view on current issues; and report on the actions... ... more

Academic Programs of Interest for News Analysts, Reporters, and Correspondents

Agricultural Journalism
Agricultural Journalism is a fast moving and a challenging profession to meet the farm information requirements of farm graduates, extension workers, Media persons and farmers. Since agriculture... more
Journalism is a discipline of gathering, writing and reporting news, and broadly it includes the process of editing and presenting the news articles. Journalism applies to various... more