Blue Quills First Nations College
Quick Facts:
Tuition: $6,400.00  Students: 500
Blue Quills First Nations College
St. Paul, AB      T0A 3A0

Blue Quills First Nations College

The Blue Quills First Nations College was established in 1971. It is a locally controlled academic institution that serves the training needs of everyone in a unique socio-cultural and educational atmosphere. Its primary objective and goal is to “promote a sense of pride in Indigenous heritage and reclaim traditional knowledge and practices.” The College is led by seven Board members that represent one of the seven local First Nations communities: Frog Lake, Beaver Lake, Cold Lake, Heart Lake, Kehewin, Whitefish Lake, and Saddle Lake. There is also one Elder from the Saddle Lake First Nation. Its mission is to "increase and access ... ... continued below

About Blue Quills First Nations College

... educational opportunities for students by empowering them to overcome barriers that restrict success in college and university settings and enhance/maintain culture, which contributes to positive self-esteem and, therefore, encourages participation in the learning environment." Its vision is to "continue to honour (the) nistameymahkanak dreams and visions for generations yet unborn; facilitate the process of pro-active change in learning; reflect its cultures, values, ancestral knowledge, traditions and relationships so as to nurture its learners and help them achieve their individual goals and meet the collective need; provide a meaningful and balanced curriculum; and bring the uniqueness of its culture into an education setting."

Campus: Facilities, Residence and Location

Blue Quills is Canada’s first “Indigenous controlled education centre.” Through the years, it has formed partnerships with many other colleges, including: Grant MacEwan Community College, Lakeland College, Keyano College, Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, University of Alberta, Nechi Institute, University of Calgary, Maskwachees Cultural College, Athabasca University, and San Diego State University. Blue Quills is also a founding member of the First Nations Adult and Higher Education Consortium. It was the creator of the Leadership and Management Program which acted as a facilitator to personal and organizational growth for all cultures. The program is transferable to mainstream institutions in the region. The College became accredited by the First Nations Accreditation Board in November 2000.

Student Services and Student Life

The College offers student employment, although only qualified students are contacted by its department. It also offers Language Learning Bundle, Indigenous Artists Centre, Workshop and Training, and Research and Ethics.

Academic Programs

BQFNC offers the following programs to students: Early Childhood Development, Social Work Diploma, University Diploma in Arts, Information Tech Support, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Arts Degree, Pretrades Prep, Trades Advocacy Program, Teacher Assistant, Bachelor of General Studies Degree, and Business Applications & Data Management.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Scholarship and Bursary information can be accessed through the College. Students are requested to submit all their inquiries to the Librarian for more information and assistance.


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