College of the North Atlantic
Quick Facts:
Tuition: $1,500.00  Students: 7,939
432 Massachusetts Drive
Stephenville, NL      A2N 2Z6

College of the North Atlantic

College of the North Atlantic is one of Newfoundland and Labradors’ biggest post-secondary educational and skills training centres. Established 40 years ago, CNA is formed from five colleges, namely: Cabot College, Eastern College, Central Newfoundland Community College, Westviking College, and Labrador College. Today, it has evolved and grown into 17 campus locations in Canada and one in Qatar. Its vision is to create lifelong learners who are educated and skilled, able to face the demands of the labour market, and contribute to the economic, cultural, and social well being of their communities. Its mission is to improve “accessibility ... ... continued below

About College of the North Atlantic

... to quality programs and enhanced services to support the success of students and communities.”

Campus: Facilities, Residence and Location

CNA is comprised of the following campuses: Baie Verte Campus, Bay St. George Campus, Bonavista Campus, Burin Campus, Carbonear Campus, Clarenville Campus, Corner Brook Campus, Gander Campus, Grand falls / Windsor Campus, Happy Valley - Goose Bay Campus, Labrador West Campus, Placentia Campus, Port aux Basques Campus, Prince Philip Dr. Campus, Ridge Rd. Campus, Seal Cove Campus, St Anthony Campus, and Qatar Campus. The College has one of the lowest tuition fees compared to any post-secondary institution in Canada. Its Distributed Learning Service grows larger as it expands its estimated 200 distance education courses. The Office of Applied Research develops activity through programs that lead to the application of new knowledge to sustainable economic activity. Its Centres of Excellence enhance the learning expertise through its partnerships with Sun Microsystems and Silicon Graphics. The provincial Department of Education’s Career Search proves that a large portion of CNA’s graduates get high-paying jobs after they graduate. For students interested in living inside the campus, the College has residence facilities at the Bay St. George, Burin, and Happy Valley – Goose Bay Campuses. Students who plan to apply for residence should go to the Residence Office for the appropriate campus.

Student Services and Student Life

The school offers the following services: COUNSELLING AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (counselling services, including standardized testing, is available to all students); DISABILITY SERVICES (College of the North Atlantic); STUDENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (Student Development Officers (SDO) provide students with services of a non-academic nature, such as student government, peer tutoring, and assisting students with financial aid information); LIBRARY SERVICES (Library staff are available for a range of services including: instruction on the use of the library and its various resources, research assistance, and training on how to access information from CD-ROM databases and the Internet); STUDENT SUCCESS CENTERS (provide a place for students who seek remedial help, especially in the areas of Mathematics and Communication Skills); BOOKSTORE (Textbooks for all courses are available at the college bookstore on each campus and should be purchased at the time of registration); SOCIAL & RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES (The Student Development Officer organizes and coordinates a number of social and recreational events throughout the college year. Clubs, sport teams, recreational activities, and special events contribute to the general well-being of students); STUDENT AID (Information and assistance is provided to students applying for student aid, such as Canada Student Loans); STUDENT GOVERNANCE (Student Council and the Council of Student Executives); CHAPLAINCY SERVICES (These services are available to students who may feel the need for spiritual counselling and can be provided upon request); HARASSMENT POLICY; INSURANCE (Student insurance coverage against accidents while going to and from the College, while in the College or participating in related College activities such as organized games, must be purchased by students).

Academic Programs

The College offers the following programs: FULL-TIME PROGRAMS; PROGRAMS BY SCHOOL (School of Academics, School of Applied Arts, School of Business, School of Engineering Technology, School of Health Sciences, School of Industrial Trades, School of Information Technology, and School of Tourism & Natural Resources); PART-TIME COURSES (Courses by Campus (confirmed start dates, All Courses, Certificate Programs); DISTRIBUTED LEARNING SERVICES (Online Learning, Online Programs,Online Courses)

Off-Campus Living

Students who want to live outside the campus can go the Students Services Office for a list of available accommodations.

Stephenville Information

The town is located on the northeast coast of St. George's Bay in southwestern Newfoundland, and on the Atlantic Ocean. It is situated on a small plateau and surrounded by the Long Range Mountains and Lewis Hills on either side. The downtown area lies to the north of the Stephenville Airport, and the rest of the town expands primarily to the northwest.

Banks, retail and wholesale businesses, restaurants, hotels, recreation facilities, government offices, schools, medical services, and a large variety of small businesses, provide jobs for many people in Stephenville and fuel the vibrant economy of the whole region.

Stephenville, with its stable primary, secondary and tertiary industrial base, has become the hub of the economic activity in the Port au Port - Bay St. George region.


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