
There are many scholarships for Kincardine students. If you are searching for scholarships for a particular high school located in Kincardine, please select the appropriate school from the list below. The scholarship database contains scholarships for Kincardine students in the following categories:

Kincardine High School Scholarships
Kincardine College Scholarships
Kincardine University Scholarships


Loran Scholars

Deadline: Oct 15, 2024
The Loran Award offers a four-year leadership-enrichment program, financial support for undergrad, diverse opportunities for experiential learning, and a long-term supportive community of peers and mentors—people who will inspire and motivate you in your pursuit to make a difference.Offered in partnership with 25 Canadian universities, and renewable for up to four years, the Loran Award is valued at more than...

Apply for an education grant from Canada PostCanada Post gives $2,000 grants to Indigenous Peoples who have renewed their educational learning. Find out how to apply for the award.Who can apply?You’re eligible to apply if you:Are a Canadian and a member of a First Nation, Métis or Inuit communityHave been out of school for 1 year or more and are...

Summit Physical Therapy Scholarship

Deadline: Aug 31, 2024
To be eligible for the Summit Physical Therapy scholarship a student must:1) Be attending college or university no later than January of 2025.2) Be attending college or university on a full-time basis by January of 2025.3) Have achieved a GPA of 3.0 or greater during their last academic year.4) Be a U.S. or Canadian resident.5) Submit answers to the essay...

Our scholarship program is designed to support, educate and inspire the next generation of leaders and professionals who have the power to change the future. We have three scholarship categories to help you achieve your education goals.Application Review ProcessApplications are reviewed by our selection committee based on your case for financial support, academic merit, community involvement, pursuit of studies that...

Young Heritage Leaders Scholarship

Deadline: Sep 30, 2024
The Ontario Heritage Trust’s Young Heritage Leaders program celebrates youth achievements in identifying, preserving, protecting and promoting local heritage.Canada Life is proud to sponsor Young Heritage Leaders, a program that fosters a sense of local pride, community involvement and volunteerism. Along with the Ontario Heritage Trust, they reward the young person whose leadership in preserving, protecting and promoting heritage is...

The ConnectHER Film Festival is an international youth competition that welcomes short films about issues that impact women and girls. Before making a film for submission, please read all of the following entry requirements and FAQs. We are excited to see your submissions! Good luck!Films must focus on one of our topic areas listed here. Categories include global girls’ education,...

For School Specific Scholarships, select one of the schools below:

The Municipality of Kincardine is located on the shoreline of Lake Huron in the County of Bruce in the province of Ontario, Canada. It has a population of 12,000, and covers an area of 580 square kilometres. The municipality, located at the mouth of the Penetangore River, was created in 1999 by the amalgamation of the the Township of Kincardine, the Town of Kincardine, and the Township of Bruce. It was previously referred to as Penetangore.

In addition to the town centre of the Town of Kincardine, The Municipality of Kincardine consists of the following small communities: Armow, Baie du Dore, Bervie, Glammis, Millarton, Inverhuron, Underwood, North Bruce and Tiverton.

On the 5th of March, the year 1848, Captain Alexander M. MacGregor sailed "THE FLY", his little schooner into the mouth of the Penetangore River. In Ojibwa, Penetangore means "river with sand on one side". This is referring to the sand bar at the mouth of the river. Settlers, William Withers and Allan Cameron landed will on this ship at the location of the modern-day township, in that particular section of Canada West referred to only as the Queen's Bush, and established a community called Penetangore. Near where they landed the constructed a log cabin wherein Cameron ran a hotel. Withers built a dam and a saw mill that was opened the next year 1849. By the winter of 1848/49 the settlement was inhabited by seven families.

A small nuclear power plant was built at Douglas Point in Bruce Township during the year 1958, and the eight additional reactors of the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station were built between the years 1977 and 1987. As a result, a wave of extremely educated people moved to Kincardine for work, and were paid commensurately. This considerably changed the town's demographics, and its whole economy.

The Bruce Nuclear Power Development has become the dominant force in the economy of the township. Bruce Power is the private corporation which operates the plant under lease from Ontario Power Generation. There is likewise a booming tourist industry, emphasizing beautiful sunsets, Scottish cultural custom and sandy beaches.

Kincardine is home to various trails and parks which run all over the township of Kincardine. Sports are a huge part of the community mainly focusing around hockey during the winter and soccer during the summer. The Davidson Centre, the local community centre is the central location for the majority of recreation activities since it has a park, skate park, indoor and outdoor track, soccer fields, gym, swimming pool, basketball court and hockey rink.