Moon High School is located in Moon Township, Pennsylvania. Scholarships for students attending Moon High School can be found in our scholarship database
Moon Township, Pennsylvania
Addiction can impact people from all walks of life, regardless of age, race, sex, gender, or socioeconomic status. As part of our mission to end the stigma surrounding addiction and help those impacted by substance abuse lead happier, more fulfilling lives, we are offering the Mountainside Brighter Future College Scholarship. With this scholarship, we aim to help students pursue their...
The Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association (AAHA), the Atlantic Affiliate of USA Hockey, is pleased to offer a scholarship program in memory of Lou Manzione (1944-2003) to students who plan to continue their education beyond high school.A total of two (2) one thousand dollar ($1,000) non-renewable scholarships are available, one to a New Jersey high school female senior and one to...
The Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation maintains an Educational Endowment Fund, from which scholarship awards are made annually to deserving recipients in a competitive program.While awards are not guaranteed, the opportunity for a fair appraisal of the information provided to our committee is assured. These scholarship, grant and loan opportunities are for Masons, their siblings, children, grandchildren and members of the...
The Kyle B. Wilson Scholarship fund was created to keep Kyle’s legacy alive while assisting students and their families who find themselves in extra-ordinary financial circumstances. The scholarship’s funds are intended to help students and their families pay for the many expenses related to a quality education.ELIGIBILITY CRITERIATo be eligible for the scholarship applicants must:Applicants must reside in Allegheny or...
The Fran Ward Women in Arboriculture Scholarship, established by the Penn-Del Chapter of ISA, provides financial support for university and college students through scholarships to foster a greater appreciation of shade trees and promote the science and practice of professional arboriculture by women. Applicants must be enrolled in a major, minor, option, or program related to the practice of arboriculture...
The John Lepping Memorial Scholarship has been designed by the Lep Foundation for Youth Education (a public charity that provides financial assistance to students residing in NY, N J or PA seeking to further their education).PurposeThe Scholarship will be awarded to qualified students seeking to further their education by attending college. The amount of the scholarship is up to $5,000.John...