SYDNEY ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE is located in SYDNEY NS, Nova Scotia. Scholarships for students attending SYDNEY ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE can be found in our scholarship database

SYDNEY NS, Nova Scotia
B1P 2H4


Mildred C. (Millie) Hanson, SIOR was a specialist in office and industrial sales and leasing and was one of the first women to earn the SIOR (Specialist, Industrial and Office REALTOR) designation. Millie served as President of both the SIOR New Jersey Chapter and the Industrial and Office Brokers Association of the New York Metropolitan Area. Millie was named the...

BACKGROUND: This scholarship was established in 2017 by the Akron Community Foundation (ACF), an affiliate of the Siouxland Community Foundation.PURPOSE: The purpose of the scholarship program is to assist graduating high school seniors in their pursuit of a post-secondary education at an accredited college/university.ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Applicants must be graduating seniors from Akron-Westfield High School in Akron, IA; have a cumulative...

Cherokee County FB

Deadline: Mar 15, 2025
We’re a grassroots organization, which means your insights shape our initiatives and our strategies. You’re the experts on food and farming, and we’re the connectors, the organizers and the legislative minds. We believe that collective efforts best position us to advance family farms, locally grown food and rural South Carolina.EligibilityParent or grandparent must be Cherokee County Farm Bureau memberMust be...

IWFA Scholarship

Deadline: Mar 01, 2025
The IWFA Scholarship Trust has been established to provide financial aid to qualified graduate students of Marine Science, which is defined as “the study of the ocean, its ecosystems, and its life forms, as well as the study of coastal environments, oceanic currents, and the sea floor.” The Board of Trustees will award scholarships each year to assist in funding...

Phi Alpha Theta is pleased to announce the continuation of its annual Doctoral Student Scholarship program for advanced study by graduate student members who are pursuing a Ph.D. in History or Library Science-Archives and who have passed general examinations by February 17, 2025.  Applicant must be a verified member of Phi Alpha Theta and will be considered for one of...

Appily Easy Money Scholarship

Deadline: Oct 31, 2024
The Appily scholarship application is fast and easy.Scholarship Eligibility: This scholarship is open to high school sophomores, juniors, and first semester senior students for all majors and schools. We will judge this scholarship based on other criteria such as volunteer work, extracurricular activities, special circumstances, etc.About the sponsors of the scholarship (EAB and Appily):EAB is the market leader in helping colleges...