Josefa Pastrana

Josefa Pastrana is located in Aguas Buenas, Scholarships for students attending Josefa Pastrana can be found in our scholarship database. If you are searching for scholarships for students attending a different high school in Aguas Buenas, visit the Aguas Buenas directory.

Calle Drive Pio Rechani
Aguas Buenas,


Loncar Lyon Jenkins is accepting applications for its annual $2,500 Distraction-Free Driving PSA Scholarship. Every year the law firm gives this scholarship to one deserving student who creates a video that discourages young drivers from using their cell phones when behind the wheel. The deadline to submit your application and video is July 15, 2024. We cannot evaluate applicants who...

Maryland 4-H Foundation Scholarships

Deadline: Jun 15, 2024
The following requirements apply to all scholarships awarded by the Maryland 4-H Foundation. Please note that some scholarships may have additional eligibility requirements. Refer to the Available Scholarships section for more details.Must be a currently enrolled Maryland 4-H member or a Maryland 4-H Alumni in good standing who has completed at least two (2) years of membership in Maryland 4-H.Must...

TMA Diversity in Medicine Scholarship

Deadline: May 31, 2024
Current applicants are accepted to Texas medical schools beginning Fall 2024.These $10,000 scholarships are for minorities underrepresented in Texas medical schools and the state’s physician workforce.Applicants must be a U.S. citizen and must identify themselves as African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, or Native American (including American Indian/Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander).Students already attending medical school are not eligible. (Incoming MS1 only.)One scholarship...

The scholarships are awarded annually to students in their first year of nursing studies in an approved nursing program in Alberta and who are related to a UNA member or associate member in good standing.To complete the apply for the scholarships, applicants must fill out the application form and submit a short essay that answers the question: Why is the...

At Wilshire Quinn Capital, music runs through our veins. From the time we were kids, many of our most pivotal life moments can be traced back to certain songs and musical notes. And even though we grew up to be suit-wearing finance guys, we are still rock stars at heart. That’s why we created the Wilshire Quinn Musical Arts Scholarship...

Timmy Munn Memorial Scholarship

Deadline: May 31, 2024
Scholarships are awarded annually in memory of Timmy Munn, who died in 1995. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of athletic ability, academic performance, and financial need. Recipients will have graduated from a local high school and attend a local college or university.To apply, forward a letter of application (can be attained from Fredericton Sports Investment Inc.) with an official...