Sun Valley High School

Sun Valley High School is located in Aston, Pennsylvania. Scholarships for students attending Sun Valley High School can be found in our scholarship database If you are searching for scholarships for students attending a different high school in Aston, visit the Aston directory.

2881 Pancoast Avenue
Aston, Pennsylvania


Doctor Almo Sebastianelli Drum Corps Scholarship is available to any senior residing in Pennsylvania who meets the following criteria:  A child or grandchild of a Pennsylvania legionnaire in good standingor a child or grandchild of a deceased Pennsylvania Legionnaire. EligibilityTo be eligible a student must be a member of a high school band who is going on to higher education majoring...

The Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation maintains an Educational Endowment Fund, from which scholarship awards are made annually to deserving recipients in a competitive program.While awards are not guaranteed, the opportunity for a fair appraisal of the information provided to our committee is assured. These scholarship, grant and loan opportunities are for Masons, their siblings, children, grandchildren and members of the...

Pittsburgh Promise Scholarship

Deadline: May 01, 2025
To earn The Promise scholarship, students must: Graduate from high school in, or before, 2028 (the class of 2028 will be the final class to receive Promise scholarships-learn more), Be residents of the City of Pittsburgh, continuously, since 9th grade, Graduate from a PPS high school with a minimum cumulative, unweighted grade point average of 2.50 and an attendance record...

The objectives of the AIST Pittsburgh Chapter Scholarships are to reward and encourage AIST Pittsburgh Chapter area high school seniors or currently enrolled undergraduate students preparing for a career in engineering or metallurgy by providing a grant of financial support during full-time attendance at any accredited North American college or university.AwardsThe Pittsburgh Chapter scholarship program will award three (3) scholarships....

John Lepping Memorial Scholaship

Deadline: Jun 01, 2025
Lep Foundation John Lepping Memorial Scholarship.  Eligibility requires permanent residence in NJ, NY or PA.2025 CURE - Cancer Support Scholarship: Youth Education Assistance for Students Diagnosed with Cancer The scholarship is designated for students who were diagnosed with cancer and whose disease and related treatments placed a significant financial burden on them and their families.Download the online application for the Lep...

Key to a Bright Future Scholarship

Deadline: May 07, 2025
As a family law firm, we believe that children are the key to a bright future. This is why we are offering a $1,500 scholarship to a promising student whose diligence, aspiration, and hard work deserve to be rewarded. No one who seeks the enlightenment of a college education should be denied one for financial reasons. Good luck, scholars!The deadline...