Luis Muoz Marin is located in Comerio, Scholarships for students attending Luis Muoz Marin can be found in our scholarship database
Carr.775 Ramal 7774 Km 0 Hm 4
The scholarship offers awards to residents of Rhode Island PBS’s demographic market area who demonstrate promise of a successful career in the fields of broadcasting, communications, and/or journalism.In 2017, Rhode Island PBS established the Rhode Island PBS and The Public's Radio Scholarship. The scholarship offers awards to residents of the station’s demographic market area who demonstrate promise of a successful...
Ottawa County Farm Bureau takes pride in nurturing the next generation of agricultural leaders by offering two $1,000 scholarships annually. Here's what you need to know:Eligibility Criteria:Must be a dependent of a current Ottawa County Farm Bureau regular member, or if married, or 21 years of age or older, have his/her own Ottawa County Farm Bureau membership.Scholastic GPA of 2.75...
College Access Program (CAP) grants help Kentucky’s financially needy undergraduate students attend eligible public and private colleges and universities, trade schools, and technical colleges.Eligibility RequirementsTo be considered for a CAP grant, a student must:Be a Kentucky resident.Have financial need.Attend an eligible college.Have no past due financial obligations to KHEAA or to any Title IV program.Be enrolled at least half-time in...
HCFB Farm Bureau Foundation Agricultural ScholarshipsUp to 8 scholarships, $1,500 minimumBonus points will be given to applicants that are a Henry County Farm Bureau (Illinois) VOTING member or dependent of a voting member.Applicants may be a graduating High School Senior or currently enrolled at an accredited College or Technical School as an undergraduate student. Students must be enrolled in an...
National Horticulture Foundation Scholarship Programs have been established to encourage undergraduate and graduate students to pursue their career path in horticulture or related fields.Partnering with Arborjet | Ecologel, the new Taking Root Scholarship is open to students enrolled in accredited arboriculture or horticulture programs. Applicants should have a desire to pursue a career in arboriculture or plant health care, with...
The future of the architectural profession resides with the next generation of architects. The AIA Silicon Valley Scholarship program has three scholarships available for students who meet legal residence requirements and are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program leading to a career in architecture.The scholarship committee, board of directors, and members at large feel a student’s decision to...