We wish to thank the veterans of the United States Armed Forces and your immediate family members for your faithful service to our country. To assist in your transition back to civilian life we are offering a $1,000 scholarship to be used at the vocational or trade school, 2 or 4 year university, or graduate school of your choosing.
Eligibility Criteria:
This scholarship is open to military veterans of the United States Armed Forces and immediate family members (parents, children) who will be enrolled in fall 2020 in an accredited community college or university (undergraduate or graduate), earning credits toward a degree (associate, baccalaureate, or graduate). Trade or vocational programs will also qualify.
Application Requirements:
1) The applicant must complete the online form which appears below by July 15, 2020. Applications submitted via any other channel will not be considered.
2) The applicant must give full rights for the use of the essay to the Law Office of Steinberg, Goodman, and Kalish for any advertising or promotional purposes.
3) The winner must provide proof of military service or if a family member, proof of the relationship to the veteran and proof of his/her service. The military member must have been discharged honorably.
4) The winner consents to the use of his/her picture and other basic information on the winner page of the www.sgklawyers.com website.
Essay Subject:
Write an essay on the following topic:
Many elders have made significant contributions to our community throughout their lives. The knowledge they have gained from their life experiences, their accomplishments, and their struggles often serve as guidance and inspiration to help loved ones meet difficult challenges. In your essay, please tell us about a special nursing home residents or other senior who has impacted your life plan, the path to education, or career goals. Then tell us what steps you would take to protect that person from abuse if you were to admit him or her into a nursing home in Illinois. .
Essay Format Requirements
1) The Essay must be 1,000 words or less.
2) Post the essay to your blog. This can be a student blog on your university website or your own personal blog. If you do not have a blog, you can create one here for free: https://www.wordpress.com/.
3) Include at least three "clickable" links to authoritative sources. At least one of these has to go to an article on www.sgklawyers.com. We added some below to get you started. Feel free to use different posts from our blog archive. Please note that the link to www.sgklawyers.com must be "clickable," meaning that it is not enough to simply cite to the post. (Quick tip: In order to make a link clickable, highlight the entire link, click "Command + K" on your keyboard).
4) You must be listed as the author of the essay on the website and the blog post must be set to "public".
5) The work must be your own.
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: Register to View