Our specific priority at Apotex is to work collaboratively with members of the pharmacy profession and to provide financial support for a wide variety of professional programs and research initiatives on both, national and regional levels. Ultimately, these activities will benefit not only the patient but also the pharmacist in the hospital, community or university environments.
Within the pharmaceutical industry, we are proud to be at the forefront in support of the profession of pharmacy, and are determined to remain there.
Our major community contributions are to the United Way; we are proud to be recognized as the #1 Pharmaceutical company in Canada for total corporate donations, with one of the few companies in the country to raise over $1 million.
Apotex recognizes that for our company to prosper, we must accept and balance our responsibilities towards the varied interests and concerns of our customers, employees and health care professionals that we serve. These particular interest groups are our stakeholders – individuals who make up the society in which we live … members of the greater community.
Legitimate aspirations of society must be met. As a conscientious corporate citizen, our roots are clearly fixed in Canada, Apotex Inc. accepts that it has a direct responsibility to society and to the communities in which our facilities are located, in which our stakeholders live, and where we do business. We recognize that commercial objectives cannot be obtained over the long term unless the legitimate aspirations of society at large are also addressed.
To find out what type of financial assistance APOTEX FOUNDATION may offer, please visit their website at: apotex.com/ca/en/aboutapotex/philanthrop...