Intensive Advanced Speaking - 3rd year

This is an accelerated oral communication strategies course for students who are non-native speakers of English. The course emphasizes critical thinking skills, interpersonal techniques for group discussion, group leadership techniques, oral presentation, and pronunciation practice.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate, through use of appropriate forms, language adequate for academic settings.

2. Express opinions and offer supportive arguments on an academic topic in small group and class discussions.

3. Respond to comments made by classmates in small group or class discussions, with an appropriate comment or question.

4. Interrupt a speaker (the teacher, a classmate) appropriately in order to ask for clarification.

5. Produce spontaneous and prepared monologues.

6. Participate effectively in a small group (e.g., solicit and offer opinions, agree and disagree, monitor time limits, encourage participation, keep the discussion moving, check for comprehension, summarize group results, clarify group decisions, take notes on the main ideas of the discussion, summarize the main ideas in an oral report).

7. Discuss topics related to the content of a lecture or media presentation.

8. Give an oral summary that includes the main ideas and key vocabulary of a lecture.

9. Deliver, from notes, an oral presentation with appropriate organization, delivery, and development of an academic topic.

10. Demonstrate, with some repetition, pronunciation that is intelligible to native speakers.


Course topics will include the following:

1. Contribution and leadership in group discussion

2. Interpersonal communication techniques

3. Spontaneous and prepared monologues

Method of Instruction:

1. Lecture

2. Discussion

3. Small group activities

4. Student presentations

5. Modeling

6. Role play

Types of Assignments:

1. Lecture listening comprehension

2. Note-taking

3. Critical thinking exercises

4. Vocabulary expansion

5. Prepared and spontaneous oral production