Proven Ways to Increase Email Engagement

Proven Ways to Increase Email Engagement

Email is everywhere. Marketers love this channel for many reasons. How much ROI does it provide? A lot! Just look at these facts:

  1. Email is responsible for a whopping 4,200% ROI. In other words, for every dollar spend on it, you are very likely to get a decent return of 42 USD.
  2. 87% of brands recognize email marketing as fundamental for their businesses. 
  3. Approximately 60% of customers make their purchases thanks to well-crafted promotional emails.

Amazing stats, right? However, email won’t work well for you if you do it the wrong way. No worries. We’ve put up a list of 5 tips on how to increase email engagement for better conversions and sales. Spoiler: tip #3 is huge, but not so many people actually do this.  

1. Create Visually Appealing Email Content

The human brain is naturally inclined to process visual information more quickly than text. Visual content is also more effective at grabbing our attention and establishing an emotional link rapidly. Images, graphics, and videos are all key elements of an engaging email.

The best part? You don’t have to be a professional designer. All you need is a nice HTML email template. Tweak it a little bit, include various visual elements, and you are ready to go.

Stripo's simple yet powerful HTML email template builder allows you to insert images and incorporate videos in your company emails just like that. 

Simply drag the content block with your selected visuals onto the email template. Next, find and insert your images from the library or paste a video URL. You also have the option to use the GIF library, which contains hundreds of thousands of GIF images.

2. Write Subject Lines That Make People Click Through

Your email marketing engagement strategy is sure to fail without decent subject lines. Just think about it. What catches your attention enough to pause and open your inbox filled with personal, professional, and promotional emails? Usually, the subject line moves the needle.

The subject line is a perfect chance to create a positive first impression and differentiate your email in a busy inbox. Well-constructed subject lines can result in increased open rates.

But how do you create a great subject line? The ones that work well are concise, punchy, easy to understand, and pique your reader's interest.

  • Keep your subject lines short and sweet. Subject lines with less than 5 words seem to work best. Those with 3 words are getting huge engagement rates. 
  • Add some urgency to your subject lines. FOMO or urgency can encourage recipients to act quickly when they get your emails. There is a delicate balance between urgent and spammy, so only use these triggers in your subject lines when your offer needs immediate attention.
  • Use numbers.  This creates a feeling of precision that attracts readers to click on your emails. The number could represent a discount, savings, or an intriguing statistic in your newsletter.

3. Send Custom and Relevant Emails with Segmentation

Segmentation, which involves dividing email subscribers into smaller groups based on shared characteristics, is a major aspect of email engagement strategy. What is the most effective way to use segmented campaigns? This can be divided into two sections.

Determine What Works Best for Each Segment of Your Email List

The initial stage involves evaluating which communication styles appeal to various audiences. Evaluate statistics to determine the efficiency of email campaigns among different groups of subscribers. 

Put Together Custom Emails That Resonate with Each Segment 

The next part is all about creating a relevant email for each segment that addresses their interests, pain points, desires, etc. 

4. Personalize Your Email Content

Marketers from Neverbounce share that personalization in emails increases your conversion rates by two times. Sure thing, personalization goes beyond using the names of your subscribers in your emails.

Personalize your message based on your clients' locations, preferences, and order histories. This will allow you to create really customized reports for each user, send them personalized product recommendations, or provide more relevant content. All this will improve your engagement email marketing strategy.

5. Always Deliver More Value Than You Expect to Get in Return

Regardless of what product you are selling or what type of business you have, always aim to give 10x value to your customers.

You can identify and address a subscriber's issue and give them a solution. They might decide to select your tool as a solution or not. Still, they will never forget that you assisted them.

If you own an eCommerce store, you can provide your customers with instructions on how to eliminate stains from the clothing they purchased from your website.

If you have a restaurant, you could provide regular customers who cannot visit on holidays with some recipes to enjoy at home. 

And that’s it. Now you know the top 5 tips on how to improve email engagement.