Introduction to 2D - 1st year

Introduction to 2D is a basic design studio course for the student with little or no previous art background as well as for art majors. It is intended to give students a practical introduction to the nature and application of 2 dimensional designs. Students will explore ideas through art exercises and projects that will investigate how design transforms the ordinary in our every day world.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Analyze the communicative, aesthetic and expressive functions of design;

2. Identify the role and practical application of design in the natural and man-made world;

3. Experiment with a range of media, art-making practices, aesthetic and cultural styles;

4. Develop and demonstrate creative and critical problem-solving skills by observing, conceptualizing and organizing information through design resolution;

5. Investigate non-linear thinking and intuitive artistic processes common to the visual arts;

6. Stimulate personal creativity and be inspired by the aesthetic.


Course topics will include the following:

1. What is design and what is its function?

2. Design as Communication: Creativity, symbolism, form and content, interpretation;

3. The Artist’s Eye: Examining and applying the visual elements and principles of design;

4. Visual Thinking: Moving through process to product;

5. Elegant solutions: Design resolution and practical applications.

Method of Instruction:

1. Lecture/demonstration;

2. Audio-visual, slide presentation.

Types of Assignments:

1. In-class art exercises and projects

Sample Text:

1. Design Basics by David A. Lauer & Stephen Pentak. (Wadsworth Publishing, 1994.)