How to Earn Extra Money From Blogging While Studying for Your MBA

Whether you want to express your feelings and share experiences while going through with your MBA, or want to monetize your content and make a strong portfolio for future job opportunities,  starting a blog is a consideration that is worth your time and effort. With this, you can gain expertise in your field, build valuable connections, and follow strategies that put you on the map as a professional in your industry. On that note, here’s how you can earn extra money on the side. 

Selling Books

If you’re good at boiling things down, consider writing an ebook. You can post blogs on topics that align with the e-book you’re writing to get the reader interested in buying the book. The blog can also be used to create educational e-books and teach the skills most students find difficult to learn. If you have the budget, consider hiring marketing professionals to create a sales funnel to generate sales automatically.

Creating Your Website

While you can run a successful blog on different blogging websites, creating a dedicated website is for those who are serious about making money. It might seem like a difficult task to build a website but in reality, there are simple ways you can get the website up and running in just about 20 minutes. With a website, you won't have to worry about your blog being deleted by a blogging platform. You will be in control and can use it to your advantage by working on your unique personal branding. Doing this will give your website identity and make your content stand out from the competitors. 

Explore Your Niche

Whether you are an MBA in finance, marketing, or accounting, blogging about your specialty is the way to move forward and earn a stable stream of income. As mentioned above, there are several one year MBA programs you can pursue as a career while writing blogs related to your interests or niche. You can find numerous examples of successful blogs run by MBAs that provide valuable blog content, and educational materials, and conduct discussions on the issues faced by students pursuing an MBA degree. Therefore, focus your writing on a specific niche so you can achieve the best possible results.

Affiliate Marketing and Ads

When you have sufficient traffic coming to your blog, consider trying affiliate marketing to boost your blog earnings. It’s a good option if you don’t have a product or service to offer. After signing up for affiliate marketing, you have to post affiliate links on your blogs. Whenever a user clicks on the provided affiliate links or makes a purchase, you will earn a commission. Most people prefer PPC ads to run on their blogs that can generate a steady revenue stream. You can sell your banner space for display ads too if you don’t want to run PPC ads. Running ads does allow you to generate income but the generated money is pretty low so you cannot rely on only running ads.

Using your blog to promote your services and generate money is possible when done the right way. By implementing the above-mentioned tips, you can start your journey of running a blog while you pursue your MBA career.